The IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society (AP-S) stands as a dynamic organisation with a profound commitment to nurturing the interests of students in the realms of antenna analysis, design, development, signal processing, and radio astronomy, among other domains. The genesis of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society at GECBH was kindled by the ardent enthusiasm of students, driven by their fervour to disseminate their knowledge among their peers.
Since its inception, the AP-S Student Branch Chapter has maintained a robust and engaged presence, offering a plethora of opportunities to cultivate the growth and passion of its members in the field. Notably, its events have set the gold standard on a global scale, notably the "L4: Learn From Leaders, Learn from Legends" talk series. This collaborative endeavour with the MTT-S Student Branch Chapter, IEEE AP-S and MTT-S Kerala Chapters, and the IEEE AP-S and MTT-S SBCs of IIST featured seasoned experts, including luminaries from ISRO and NASA, to share their profound insights. Moreover, the SBC consistently works towards organising a diverse range of technical events, which include workshops, competitions, and peer-to-peer mentoring sessions, ultimately aiming for excellence.
Total Strength
(September20, 2024)
Society Awards
Society Awards
2021 IEEE APS Distinguished Achievement Award: The Distinguished Achievement Award is given annually (if a qualified candidate is nominated) to recognize outstanding career achievement by an individual in the field of antennas and propagation. Preference is given to a member of the Society.
Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award: The Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award is given annually (if a qualified candidate is nominated) to recognize outstanding career achievement by a distinguished educator in the field of antennas and propagation.
John Kraus Antenna Award: This award, established by John D. Kraus, honors an individual or team that has made a significant advance in antenna technology.
Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award: This award recognizes outstanding and original contributions to undergraduate education by an individual assistant professor or equivalent at an accredited institution of engineering education. The educator should be in the general area of electromagnetic education, including theory, analytical solutions, numerical methods, antennas and propagation, phenomena visualization and measurements.
Harrington-Mittra Award in Computational Electromagnetics:This award recognizes the past technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding woman of mid-career status in the field of antennas and propagation.
APS Student Paper Contest and APS Student Design Contest
For more details on Awards and Recognition by IEEE APS