A Treasurehunt
Online competition to solve computer algoriths
Talk on Introduction to Flutter and C onnection with OS
Showcase your projects through reels
P2P on AI/ML Deeplearning
A placement oriented competition
Workshop on Adobe Photoshop as a part of Alterdime
Session handled by GTec Palayam
Situation analysis competition
A Canva based design hackathon
PCB design workshop & competition
peer to peer learning on python language
A Career Orientation Series
Just a minute competition
chatgpt based project bulding competition
C-Program mastery
An online quiz competition
Gate analysis competition
Series of 3 events by Wie gecbh
Tech it up a notch
Hardware analysis competition
UI/UX design competition
An online quiz Competition
An online competition based on gates
internet of things
A Kickstart to Hacktoberfest 2022
in collaboration with redteam hacker academy
Cybersecurity Awarenes Program
3 day 3 events
3 day 3 events by RAS
stem activity
A Technical talk on quantum computing
A saga of 5 events
Talk session on advances in intelligent systems and smart applications
A Portfolio website design competition
An online talk session
peer to peer learning on MATLAB essentials
Edition #2 - word puzzle
KTU based C programming workshop
An Online talk session
A kahoot based quiz
A design Competition
A photo manipulation competition
A prompt generation competition
STEM activity by ras gecbh
an aptitude based competition
Binary sudokku Competition
peer to peer mentorship training
LED Workshop
How good is your resume
Create a pathway to a thriving career
Aptitude test based on CAT & GATE
Explore the tech alchemy
An arduino day quiz competition
Share your ieee experience
Online treasure hunt
A scratch story competition
Workshop based on ktu syllabus
Stem activity by SIGHT
Two day workshop on kicad and matlab
Code debugging competition
A 48 hour frontend website debugging competition
Digital art competition
share your ieee experience
stem activity by SIGHT
Decode and discover
A cryptographic challenge series
Aptitude test
The digital portfolio book
Illustrate your perspective